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Who We Are

We come together as participants in the web of creation, remembering our sacred interconnection and interdependence with the land, the Divine, with each other and with the first peoples who lived within the watershed. We are a diverse community that lives primarily in and around the Metro DC area and within the Potomac River Watershed. As participants in the web of creation, we seek to be attentive to the Holy in our midst and invite one another to come home to the sacred ecological ground in which we live.


All are welcome and respected at the Wild Earth Spiritual Community gatherings. We are fellow seekers from many faith traditions, recognizing the deep Oneness with the Earth that is foundational to all religions and indigenous spiritualities. We strive to be intergenerational and accessible to all. We welcome children and can offer age-appropriate programming. Please contact us when you'll be attending with children or when accessibility is a concern so that we can be as accommodating as possible.​​

Church of the Wild Trailer by Jane Pittman

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Our Mission

We gather as a community to honor the Oneness of Divine Mystery, Earth and all Beings. We encourage one another's spiritual path and attentively nurture our own while challenging each other to live and act responsibly on behalf of Earth.


Our community is grounded in the sacred landscape in which it is located. This groundedness guides us to live from a place of deeper compassion, care and gratitude. We understand the enormity of the environmental crisis and it impact on both current and future generations as well as the inordinate burden borne by the marginalized. We challenge members to live lightly on Earth and engage in actions that advocate for Her well-being.

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How We Began

In Sarah Anders’s role as a UCC pastor, and in Beth Norcross’s work at Wesley Theological Seminary and The Center for Spirituality in Nature, we were moved by the many people – often young adults – who told us that they were yearning for spiritual deepening and a direct experience of the Divine, but did not find it in a traditional religious setting.

We heard, too, of the deep spiritual connection many have in nature as well as the anxiety and grief they were experiencing in response to the impacts of climate change and other worrisome environmental concerns.

How We Gather

We approach our gatherings from an inter-spiritual perspective. We honor the common thread of Oneness with Earth’s Divine Mystery found in most ancient religions and spiritual practices.


Wild Earth Spiritual Community gathers twice monthly. We gather in person twice a month on the first and third Sunday afternoons, typically from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. In the winter, we gather at 2:30. Make sure to double check the time for the particular gathering you’re attending! Our location moves across the Potomac River Watershed, around the Washington, DC area. 


We come together regardless of the weather unless it is unsafe to do so. We ask people to dress for the weather and invite them to bring their own folding chair or blanket, walking stick and water. We model environmental sustainability in all our gatherings.


To center us before each gathering, we offer spiritual nature walks and drumming circles, after which we begin a quiet time of nature-based sharing through contemplative individual and group spiritual practices, silence, music and wanderings. People stay afterwards for a time of fellowship and food.​​​

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